Le photo memoire de Takuji Kaneko
Don't bite me! Rosie!
おーい!ロージーいつのまにそんな「出っ歯」になったんやー! "Hey!Rosie what's wrong with your teeth?! Why are they become so big?Don't bite me please!!" |
へへぇ〜、いいでしょう。つまようじでシーシーするのっておやじくさいけど、気持ちイイのよね。 なんでもいいけどかみつくなよ!絶対! "Wao isn't this look cool? I love to clean my teeth with this stick. Badly...so badly I'm in it!! cool!!" "Anyway don't bite me! never!" |
やっぱーソフトは「歯」やなー。なぁ落合はん。 あったりめーさ!ロージー! "It is said that softball player plays just with her teeth Ms.Ochiai." "Got it! Rosie!" |